Everyday Words in German Sticker Book
238 ₴
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Age 5+
Key Stage
ISBN: 9780746057674
Extent: 24 pages plus 6 pages stickers
Dimensions: 305 x 229mm
Rebecca Treays, Kate Needham and Lisa Miles
Jo Litchfield
- ISBN: 9780746057674
- Brand: Usborne
This fun sticker book is designed to help children develop their vocabulary and reading skills.
Children can begin to associate words with objects by matching the words on the pages to those on the stickers.
Jo Litchfield’s charming scenes provide lots to talk about, and pre-readers will enjoy simply spotting and naming familiar things.
На цій сторінці Ви можете замовити Everyday Words in German Sticker Bookз доставкою по Одесі або Україні, скориставшись послугами транспортної компанії Нова пошта.