Teaching the Spoken Language


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Series: Cambridge Language Teaching Library
Author: Brown, G & Yule, G
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780521273848
Publication Date: 1983
Availability: In Stock In Stock
Level: Native Speaker / Teacher

Артикул: 50001181 Категорія:
  • ISBN: 9780521273848
  • Brand: Cambridge


Teaching the Spoken Language is about teaching the spoken language. It presents in a highly accessible form the results of the author’s important research on teaching and assessing effective spoken communication. The authors examine the nature of spoken l
На цій сторінці Ви можете замовити Teaching the Spoken Language з доставкою по Одесі або Україні, скориставшись послугами транспортної компанії Нова пошта.
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